Post by BRAD CARMICHAEL on Dec 10, 2011 9:40:51 GMT -5
* 'Cause I couldn't live without sunsets that dazzel in the dusk, so I'll drag the anchor up and rest assured 'cause dreams don't turn to dust .
- - - - nickname(s),
- - - - gender, Male
- - - - age, Twenty-five
- - - - species, Human
- - - - sexuality, Heterosexual
- - - - status, Single
- - - - occupation, Hunter
- - - - allegiance, Good
- - - - wealth class, Low
- - - - hair, Brown, some blonde
- - - - build, Athletic
- - - - distinguishing marks,
- - - - height, 6'1
- - - - fashion sense, Casual
- - - - Play By, Chace Crawford
- Guitar Hero & Rock Band
- Food
- Mucking around
- Extreme stunts
- Pranks
- The outdoors
- Amusement parks
- Hunting with others
- Making friends
- All-nighters
- - - - Brad's hates,
- Wasting time
- Catching colds, flu, viruses, ect
- Hospitals
- Failing on hunts
- Sitting around
- Party-poopers
- Depending on others
- Celery
- Drugs
- Misquitos
- Research
- Cleaning
- Sleeping
- - - - strengths,
- Fearless
- Resilient
- Optimistic
- Confident
- Often underestimated
- - - - weaknesses,
- Frivolous
- Trusts easily
- Nice monsters
- Tends to think he's invincible
- When monsters take on innocent forms (ie; children)
- - - - ambitions,
- He tells himself that he'll find a way to escape his impending doom but.. meh. Those deals are pretty much impossible to get out of, aren't they?
- To do as much as he can with what little time he has left.
- To be remembered as one kick-ass hunter.
- - - - fears,
Nothing! Or so he likes to believe.
- Time.
- Permanent Injury.
- The hell that awaits him.
- People finding out he sold his soul.
- - - - other abilities,
- - - - overall personality, Brad is a very simple, uncomplicated person who appreciates the little things life has to offer. Happy-go-lucky is probably the best way to describe him. He's definately not that jaded, stone-cold "I've seen dark and terrible things" hunter. He smiles and laughs so often that frowning can almost be considered out of character for him. People tend to find his optimism refreshing and he can get along with just about anyone as long as they aren't total a-holes. There are times he might seem younger than he actually is, or naive, or just flat out dense. He can think things through but tends to do a lot of stuff on impulse instead, not to say he's stupid or anything. He does have a lot of knowledge about the supernatural and when people find out, it tends to surprise them. He lives in the moment about ninety-nine percent of the time because he'd like to forget about his past and after selling his soul, he has no future in the long-term. He plans on making up for lost time and living his life to the fullest until the hellhounds turn him into their human chewtoy. If something bothers him bad enough, like say, knowing he's going to hell, he copes with it by not thinking about it because if he doesn't think about it, its not really happening.
When it comes to hunting he sees it from a different perspective than a lot of other hunters. To him its more fun and games than anything else. A sport. None of that tragic hero crap. He doesn't have that smoldering hatred for supernatural creatures that so many other hunters seem to have acquired, he just enjoys the thrill of the chase.
- - - - father's name, Heath Carmichael
- - - - mother's name, Mona Carmichael
- - - - siblings, Jillian Carmichael
- - - - non-blood family, Annmarie, ex girlfriend
- - - - overall history, The Carmichael name has been widely spread among hunters and those affiliated with the supernatural from generation to generation. You could say the bloodline was known for producing some damn good hunters that had both skill and passion when it came to the business. Brad along with his little sister Jill were lucky enough to be born into this crazy exciting family where chasing the supernatural was a sport rather than a tragic duty. His mother, father, uncles, cousins, they were all in on it and they made it fun. Got everybody pumped. Placed bets and held competitions over who could catch the bigger, badder beast. The family reunions -huge and chaotic as they could be- were epic. Guns and other weapons were flaunted, information was traded, the kids heard stories about creatures that shouldn't exist outside of horror movies and nightmares.. yea, it was awesomeness. Brad was raised to be fearless and he couldn't wait until the day he would finally be old enough to embark on some missions of his own. There was nothing else in the world he wanted more. His oldest cousin Wayne had a badass reputation for taking out some of the strongest monsters and though he didn't have much time for Brad, the kid kind of idolized him.
Training usually started somewhere around the age of thirteen but Brad's father actually broke that tradition, showing him the ropes a little earlier because he was just that hyped. Hunting was the only thing that really mattered to him so he learned at an impressive rate. He got a lot of encouragement from his family and everyone was convinced he'd make a fine hunter someday. Jill on the other hand, they weren't so sure about. Her heart was in it just as much as her brother's but she was clumsy with weapons and had a crappy aim when it came to shooting. There were times when she would feel discouraged but Brad, being the nice guy that he was even back then, refused to let her fall behind and helped her as best he could.
Teachers often wondered if he had Attention Deficit Disorder or something. Not because he was hyperactive or anything but because he was always off with fairies during class. Reading was boring, history was boring, science was kind of okay, and math was completely and utterly incomprehensible to him. He had no interest in what was being taught and his parents never pushed him to get good grades. The family business was more important than getting into Harvard University. Majority of the time he'd be daydreaming about hunting or doodling on his folder during lectures. He spent a lot of time in the principals office because he'd show up late for class or goof around too much but despite his inability to take school seriously his teachers didn't hate him. They found his frivolous antics aggrivating at times but he wasn't a juvenile delinquent. Sooner or later he always managed to grow on even the most uptight ones.
Brad met Annmarie in grade eleven. For the first time in his life he had found something he loved almost as much as the supernatural. Her interest in the occult and facination with the paranormal made her different from the other girls and drew him to her. That and, well, lets face it she was rather nice to look at. Annmarie's parents were fundamentalist Christian so they forbade her from looking into things like monsters and magic but Brad opened the door to that world for her. He wanted to impress her so he bragged about what his family did and showed her that every metaphysical thing she dreamed of really did exist. Brad's parents were pretty pissed off to find out that he had opened his big mouth but after meeting Annmarie and seeing just how happy he was with her, they layed off. The young couple talked about everything from their supposed undying love for each other to demons, vampires, werewolves and witchcraft. It wasn't long before Annmarie decided that she wanted to become a hunter too and they made all kinds of crazy-awesome plans for the future.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Brad turned eighteen. That meant training was over and he could finally be a real bonafide hunter. As a birthday present he, his dad, and a few of the cousins were supposed to get together and take out a nest of vamps. There was something wrong with him though, something that had been going on for a few weeks prior. Sometimes it was muscle weakness, other times it was shortness of breath or a sharp pain in his chest that would seemingly come out of nowhere. He blew it off as nothing because he really wanted to go on this trip but deep down he knew something wasn't right. He figured he'd deal with it later, after he brought home a vampire's head as a trophy. Annmarie would have been all over him if he did.
What was supposed to be the best night of his life turned out to be a worst. By then he was starting to feel really crappy and he knew he should have stayed home but teenage bravado won against common sense. The hunt was going great, just as cool and exhilerating as he dreamed it would be, right up until the moment he had a heart attack. His dad rushed to his aid along with two of his cousins, Rod and Thomas, who were supposed to be watching Wayne's back at the time. The vamps got ahold of Wayne and sucked him dry but Brad got out alive.. somehow, which still baffles him and everyone else to this day.
Brad was rushed to the nearest hospital in just the nic of time. When they arrived there it was hard to distinguish what was more unbelievable, an eighteen year-old having a heart attack or the fact that he survived it AND didn't end up as monster food. He got diagnosed with some kind of heart disease and all of a sudden, even though he was damn lucky to be alive, he wished he wasn't. It was like the end of the world as he knew it. From that point onward his life became nothing more than a downward spiral. He couldn't run around or be active anymore because if he did his stupid feeble heart could crap out on him again. Hunting and just about every other thing he liked to do was out of he question. The symptoms got progressively worse until he could do little more than just sit around day in, day out. It was redundant and incredibly frustrating. To top things off everybody started tip-toeing around him. They treated him as if he were made of glass and could break at any second and he hated it. His mother dropped hunting all together in order to look after him, which he honestly felt wasn't neccessary but she insisted on. The family reuinions were awkward and the people were awkward around him so after a while he just quit going.
He'd never been much of a tv or video game guy but became one really fast because it was either that or nothing. Occasionally he'd read books, surf the net, listen to music, whatever he could do just to stop himself from succumbing to boredom. No matter what he did boredom always seemed to win in the end. It was hard not to be envious when he watched Jill get her opportunity to jump on the hunting scene and totally rock it. She made a name for herself in the hunting world faster than anyone in their family could have ever imagined. Brad tried to be supportive though he couldn't help but die a little inside each time she and their dad came home from a successful hunt. He still found the dignity to congradulate her. They made him their go-to guy for info on monsters and spells and whatever else, calling him while on hunts if there was something they needed him to look up. He did all of their research and ended up learning a ton of stuff that would have been useful to him if he had been a hunter. It wasn't something he particularly enjoyed but he still wanted to feel involved and like he was contributing in some way.
His relationship with Annmarie just sort of fell apart and one day, when the growing awkwardness between them reached its peak of bearability, he decided to let her go. He still loved her and didn't really want to break it off but she didn't protest so.. yea, they were pretty much over. Probably since the moment she found out he would never be a hunter.
Several years went by. Brad found it more and more difficult to remain optimistic as he thought about everything he was missing out on. If it had been limitted to just hunting then maybe he wouldn't have felt so shitty, but it wasn't. It was just about everything a person his age should have been doing. His condition worsened along with his mood and he began to feel like nothing but a burden on the people around him. The heart problems created a lot of unwanted stress for everybody which interfered with their hunting more often than not. The hospital became his home away from home and by his fifth admission every staff member in the ward knew who he was. They liked him, gave him special privilages and let him get away with a lot of stuff he wasn't supposed to do. It made things a little more bearable but eventually he was just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Weak, useless, and depressed was not how he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He had to make a change.
One night desperation took over and clouded his judgement. He summoned a crossroads demon with the intent of selling his soul for a healthy heart. The demon, knowing immediately who he was and what family he was from, refused on the spot. It knew Brad was just going to become a hunter and ultimately a problem like the rest of his relatives. He wouldn't take no for an answer though. He swallowed his pride and begged this demon to make the deal. It wouldn't give him the ten years normally given to just anyone who sold their soul, but that was okay. He'd graciously accept whatever he could get. The demon cut him some slack, if you can even call it that, and sealed the deal. Digging the hole for the summoning ritual near killed him but to Brad it was well worth the risk of keeling over in the middle of nowhere.
Brad's parents couldn't believe it when he made a full recovery. They were beside themselves with happiness, and though it did seem too good to be true they never guessed fowl play. Sure, their son was an airhead sometimes but they never thought he'd be stupid enough to stoop as low as he did. They assumed they had raised him better than that. Jill knew though, and she wasn't happy with him but never said anything to the family. He was grateful for that. The doctors said it wasnt possible and that there had to be some mistake. After running a heap of tests a miracle was the only conclusion they could reach. His family was reluctant to let him start hunting but it wasn't like they could do anything to stop him. He didn't waste any time getting involved with the supernatural and anyone who doesn't know any better would probably think he's been hunting for years. He wants to be a kick-ass hunter that people will remember long after he's dragged to Hell, maybe even the best there is.
- - - - rp sample, in-character. minimum of 150 words. I would like longer but I don't want you to be intimidated by the application or site. This shows us your writing style, so this is very important. [/ul][/ul]